Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Aveuglé par la lumière


Yesterday's show was good! No disaster = successful show.

I'll be posting the whole event up real soon, probably by this weekend when my photographer, Terence pass me those photos.

Have a lot on mind lately...

My portfolio interview date is drawing nearer. I've not yet finish my 10 pieces of creative artwork!!! The horror! So I might blog a little lesser (pardon me!).

I'm attending Men's Fashion Week which means more blog post and probably, sexy male models. Hah!

I went to the dentist the other day and I might get an orthodontics (treatment?). For those who doesn't know, it would simply means putting on braces. Consultation's next week. This would probably be the time when I'll finally be afraid of dentist.

Hmm, and let's see what else... Ah! I'm gonna get my hair cut AGAIN. Hahah. But no more androgynous haircut this time round, I'm going to grow my hair back. Yay to long flowy hair!

With much ,

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