Sunday, November 28, 2010

Occupé par semaine!

ali michael Pictures, Images and Photos

Just updating on my crazy life right now.
Last two weeks were insane with all the assignments and projects going on.
I'm amazed that I've got past them in one piece (probably not exactly in one piece, some parts are lost somehow. But let's not talk about that).

Anyway the next two weeks will be, again, HECTIC.
I'm guessing this is the fate of seniors.

If you wanna know how crazy my life is...
Let's just say I remember days & weeks through the dates of tests & assignment deadlines.
YES! I have the tests dates & assignment deadlines at the back of my hand
and the rest of my life simply adjust to them.

Gosh. You may not believe it but I'm trying to remind myself everyday that my birthday's this coming Wednesday by telling myself,
Hey your birthday's the day after Club & Resort Business test!!!
Just in case I might forget.

It's official. Life as I know it, has changed.
Praying for a break from all these.


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