Tuesday, June 9, 2009


books Pictures, Images and Photos

These two days of project meetings is making all of us rather tired
like there's no term break at all.
But we survived it by bubbling. :D
Today was especially 'great'.
We almost took the whole library down.
Okay, I'm just kidding. But all those books are sure heavy.
We got struck by Mr Raymond W.'s panic button.
And the feeling wasn't good.
His panic button always does great effect.
But luckily, there's no TP tomorrow. :)
It's sort of an "off day" although we'll all be doing work at home.
I'm betting my whole day tomorrow will still be flooded by projects,
but I've got no choice haven't I?

Oh god, my heart feels so heavy
it makes me feel like crying. arggggh! :/
yes, I'm crazy & maybe I should just quit.

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