Monday, June 8, 2009

Eight of July

Got back from mc outing! :)


And here's something, i must blog about:
Stupid being stupid, asked for chicken chop at Fish & Co.
Then I have to explain to her that Fish & Co. is Fish & Company.
Obviously, fish's company can't be chicken?
Soooo, I told her fish's company would be
seafood like prawns, crab, oyster, etc.

Just imagine there's some photos we took today here
(p.s. will upload them once I've got the photos.)

And during project meeting, I heard one super duper shocking news
that made me scream, 'ah!'
Believe me when I say, it's the most shocking thing
I've heard throughout year 2 or probably year 1.2. hah!

On my way home, stupid & I talked about the things
we're gonna do when we reached home.
Bathe, farm & sleep. :)
But I'm probably gonna watch one episode of Gossip Girls
before going to bed.
Sooooo g'night cruetamour-ers!


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