Monday, October 12, 2009

Enjoy every last bit of it, even if you were to go crazy


I just came back from school to settle the semester's lecture notes
unfortunately it was a waste trip, the lecturers weren't around.
But it made me realise
Just a few more days, semester's starting all over again.
I'll miss sitting in front of my laptop watching Korean variety shows,
laughing like a mad women, dancing like one too
when I play my ipod music. :(
It was good partying at home alone.
Now that I know classes are gonna start,
I'm gonna go even madder. lol.
I miss my gfs, pris & cass. :(
We must play well on Sunday & our sleepover (?). heehhhe.

Enjoy every last bit of holiday everyone! :)

My isolation to the rest of the world was good but soon,
reality comes back in again.

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