Results are out today,
and luckily I signed up for the text message service,
if not I wouldn't know my long-awaited results until now
because the bloody web page is lagging like crazy.
I just wanna check my gpa but until now I can't get in. Grrrr.
TP should really solve this problem, honestly.
It's getting on the nerves of thousand over students. :/
My grades are, well okay.
I would have expected worst.
Modules like Project Management, Security & Fire & Life Safety Management,
gave me quite a shock.
Surprised that I did much better than I've expected.
But for the latter, I did much worst than expected. :/
The rest of the subjects are rather good, luckily. :)
The A for fashion, it's all thanks to Christine. She's really nice.
This time, I'm quite sure I'd do better at design.
Hope the next cds is designing too. ahaha.
For aircon&hydraulics,
thanks to all my group mates
for the patient teaching during classes & even study week.
I'm glad I met you guys. :)
I'm now just really worried about my gpa.
I don't ever want it to drop.
Increase please, my beloved gpa!
You know how much I love youuuuu. ahaha.
p.s. the webpage is still not up yet! urgh!
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