Monday, September 14, 2009

Beautiful and dirty rich

shopping cart Pictures, Images and Photos

Shopped with cass today.
Ah! I shall remember to take the photos we took today.
Only one word to describe today's shopping trip, WOOT! :D
I'm one happy kid, I guess.
Gotten almost everything I wanted.
But I think at the end of this week,
I wouldn't want to see my bank account.
It'll probably be in a bad state, I can tell. ahhahahah.

But who cares,
when the semester starts I can't go shopping anymore. :(
Can't wait for the second trip with girlfriends on thursday.
It's gonna be bigger and better, I can tell. hahahaah.

Love the photos & the couple btw.

Gossip Girl starts today! :D

Time for mooooore drama-o-rama. haha.

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